Saturday, February 14, 2009

An introduction to glass ionomer cement

Glass ionomer cement is also referred to as polyalkenoate cement. It was discovered in the year 1969 by Wilson and also reported by Kent in 1971. There are basically nine types of GIC

Type 1 : Used in luting

Type 2 : Used as restoration

Type 3 : Used as liners and base

Type 4 : Used for fissures

Type 5 : Used for orthodontic purpose

Type 6 : Used as core build up material

Type 7 : Fluoride releasing GIC

Type 8 : For atraumatic restoration(ART)

Type 9 : Used for pediatric purpose

The composition of glass ionomer is unique as it has a powder liquid system

Powder composition

Aluminum fluoride

Aluminum oxide

Calcium fluoride

Sodium fluoride

Aluminum phosphate

Silicon dioxide

These components are heated around 1200 degrees and fused to form as one component "glass".

For radiopacity : zinc oxide,Barium is added,

Liquid composition

Copolymer with itaconic acid, maleic acid or tricarboxyllic acid and tartaric acid

Tartaric acid helps to increase working time and reduces the setting time.

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