Friday, February 20, 2009

Diagnosis of a pulpal condition in teeth

Normal pulp

1.Patient is usually asymptomatic

2.On thermal test - mild transient response when stimulus is removed

3.On electric test - mild transient response which subsides when stimulus is removed.

Reversible pulpitis

1.Patient usually asymptomatic / vague pain of short duration or on application of cold.

2.On thermal test there is quick sharp hypersensitive that subsides when the stimulus is removed.

3.On electric test it responds at lower currents – threshold level decreased.

4.On percussion test the patient is sensitive.

Irreversible pulpitis

1.The type of pain elicited is spontaneous unprovoked pain during nights which I continuous in nature. It is aggravated by heat relieved by cold.

2.On thermal test there is a painful response to cold and heat stimulation that continues longer even when the stimulus is removed.

3.It requires a high current to elicit response compared to normal tooth.

4.On percussion test the patient is sensitive.

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